Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TA Tuesdays: Pukar, Ruby, Dayana, Jay, Frida (052014)

'I wanna be a Genius, a Billionaire, a Playboy, a Philanthropist'

Spunky statement from one of your TAs this week.

This week, get to know this active and adventurous batch Pukar, Ruby, Dayana, Jay, Frida!


Full Name: Pukar Chettri

From: Nepal         Major: International Relations

GEO Position: Global Lounge TAs

Describe Yourself:

Sometimes interesting, sometimes boring. I love playing soccer and
basketball. An ardent supporter of Manchester United.

Message to GEO Students:

GEO is a fun place to meet friends and have a good time, so enjoy
yourselves while learning English.

Quick Picks:

Cats or Dogs? CATS
Harry Potter or Twilight? HARRY POTTER
Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR WARS
Football or Basketball? FOOTBALL
Girls Generation or Super Junior? GIRLS GENERATION


Full Name: Seo Joon Young

From: South Korea          Major: Psychology

GEO Position: Class TA

Describe Yourself:

I wanna be a Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.

Message to GEO Students:

Hi guys don't afraid of me I won't hurt you

Quick Picks:

Cats or Dogs? CATS
Harry Potter or Twilight? HARRY POTTER
Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR WARS
Football or Basketball? FOOTBALL
Girls Generation or Super Junior? GIRLS GENERATION of course


Full Name: Dayana Soledad Fernandez Onate
From: Ecuador          Major: Business Management

GEO Position: Global Lounge TA

Describe Yourself:

I consider myself as a very confident person, very passionate for traveling and visiting new places. I like to learn about other cultures, just having a coffee and looking at the people walking in the streets or reading a good book.

I love sports especially running, I started running around 5 years ago and I think it is the best way to prove yourself that you can give more and more. There are no limits to what you want to get, just your mind. You can get whatever you want in life by just believing in yourself.

Message to GEO Students:

Just keep on practicing English. This beautiful language can open you the door to a pretty nice world. Keep on going!

Quick Picks:

Cats or Dogs? DOGS
Harry Potter or Twilight? HARRY POTTER
Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR WARS
Football or Basketball? FOOTBALL
Girls Generation or Super Junior? SUPER JUNIOR


Full Name: Frida Tobias
From: Philippines          Major: International Relations

GEO Position: Global Lounge TA

Describe Yourself:

Im not good at anything, I'm just plainly curious.

Message to GEO Students:

Be creative and curious.

Quick Picks:

Cats or Dogs? DOGS
Harry Potter or Twilight? TWILIGHT
Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR WARS
Football or Basketball? BASKETBALL
Girls Generation or Super Junior? GIRLS GENERATION


Full Name: Ruby Verdin
From: USA          Major: International Relations

GEO Position: Class TA

Describe Yourself:

My favorite things include reading and drinking coffee. Also, I laugh a lot and you can usually find me listening to music :)

Message to GEO Students:

I look forward to getting to know you guys so please don't hesitate to say hi if you see me. ^^ Let's work hard together!

Quick Picks:

Cats or Dogs? DOGS
Harry Potter or Twilight? HARRY POTTER
Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR WARS
Football or Basketball? BASKETBALL
Girls Generation or Super Junior? SUPER JUNIOR


Missed the past editions of TA Tuesdays? Read them here:

Yumi, Naomi, Maria, Marnel, Enrique & Matt (042814)

Rami, Raphy, Vita, Saba & Konsti (042114)

Dustine, Fawad, Nara, Demi and Christine (041514)

Jam, Angie, Alice, Carol, Stella & Sung Woo (040814)

Laurence, Surani, Yura, Pia, Titus & Mizzy (040114)