Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fall 2010 Presentation Contest a Success

International Language Education Center (ILEC) held its Fall 2010 ILEC Presentation Contest last November 29 to December 2 (Monday to Thursday) at six to eight in the evening in Catholic University of Korea's (CUK) Global Lounge. The preliminary round for the intermediate level was held last November 29 and 30. A total of sixteen teams competed to advance to the final round held last December 2. Eight teams were selected for the final round of the intermediate level presentation competition, and from these eight teams, three teams were crowned as grand prize winner, first and second runner up, respectively. For the advanced level presentation contest, there were nine teams who competed last December 1 to win the coveted price.

The topics during the contest include suggestions that presenters can make with regards to CUK's Vision 2015, where the school hopes to be ranked among top 7 in the nation within the span of 5 years; and the introduction of a program amongst CUK family for the "respect for humanity" core value that CUK advocates. Interestingly, students made valuable comments and suggestions for CUK's Vision 2015. Some suggestions include increasing English lectures, increasing number and variety of foreign students, developing a research environment and new areas of cooperation between industry and academics to link graduates with prominent employers after graduation, strengthening the network with the alumni of CUK to foster mentoring and internship, among others. To develop potential of CUK, the students recommended that the school should provide for more academic buildings and better equipment, concentrate on specific majors which CUK excels in, headhunt competent professors and students who have great potential to become remarkable individuals. Moreover, the school can market itself to high school students and foreign universities more aggressively by making better network connections with other schools and letting them know about CUK's good performance. According to research, CUK ranks at par with Seoul's top universities, CUK should highlight this in marketing itself to potential students. Holding more multicultural day, green day (environment consciousness day), worthwhile exhibits can also strengthen the school's image. In addition, interaction between the three campuses of CUK can also help CUK be united towards its common goal. Volunteer activities available for students can also immerse students with worthwhile endeavors, reinforce the image of school and better reflect respect for humanity that the university advocates.

Master of the Ceremonies, Gellene, showcased her hosting skills
during the Presentation Contest

Team Freshwomen (Tae Hee Lee, Ga Young Oh and Ye Sol Jung)
presented volunteer activities for the "Respect for Humanity" Core Value of CUK.

Triarchy (Jeong Hyun Ahn, Geon Hee Lee and June Sung Lee) suggests CUK to have cooperation efforts with other universities around the world regardless of religious backgrounds.

Lotus (Jin Hyuk Kim, Min Sung Seok, So Hyun Bang) provided several valuable insights and useful information for the achievement of CUK's Vision 2015. Their recommendation included holding briefing sessions with students in CUK and outside CUK to foster better relationships with them. In addition, this will help CUK understand how it can better cater its services to students.

Professor Corien and Professor Nico, key personalities in CUK's GEO program, were interviewed for their comments about the presentations of students.

A revelation for most students.
International singing sensation, BOA, was an honorary ambassador of CUK.

Audience eagerly listens to student's presentations

A different format...
News anchor Hae na Kim elaborating on how CUK succeeded in its Vision 2015 efforts

The CBS Newscast by 3 o'clock (Hae na kim, Il Woo Song, Gu reum Kim)
presented plans to strengthen CUK's Vision 2015.

Youthful Zest (Jiwon Seo, Hyeja Jo, Sooyoung Park) recommends interaction among students, faculty and staff of CUK's three campuses

Introducing... the CUK Cashbag ^_^ Other merchandising products like hoodies, tumblers, accessories, keychain, planners, among others were suggested by students to aid in CUK's brand building and marketing efforts

Interesting proposition by the Youthful Zest group

Class 99 (Hyun Jin Ahn, Jun Yeob Lee, Eun Ji Lee) suggested a 'CUK Experience Day', an immersion program for future undergraduate students to aid them in choosing their courses in the future; and for undergraduate students to aid them in case they would want to pursue graduate studies. They also recommended better academic system for undergraduate level and making good use of the social networking sites for CUK's publicity.

Applause for the presenters for a job well done ^_^

Professor Jerry seriously reviewing the scores he gave to presenters

Contestants patiently waiting for the results of the contest

Old Boys (Seung Wan Son, Chi Won Kim and Tae Gyun Kim), who presented about upgrading academic curriculum, with Professor Dave during the awarding ceremony

Shuttlecock group posing with Professor Dave

The final three

Praying, praying and praying....

Congratulations to the winners ^_^
Second prize winner Youthful Zest, First prize winner 3 o'clock and
Grand prize Winner Class 99.
Also in photo: Dr. Victoria Jo, Professor Nico, Professor Corien, Professor Irving,
Professor Dave, Professor Jerry, Professor Tom, and Gellene

From the editor's desk