Actually, I don't like to learn English. I find it very difficult to study other languages. Moreover, English is quite different from Korean. There are glaring differences that makes it difficult.
Nevertheless, I do believe that English as a lingua franca is necessary for successful globalization. I came to recognize that fact and so I decided to participate in the GEO program to help me adapt to this globalizing world.
To be honest, I was initially irritated to have GEO as a night class. Furthermore, I thought that just 4 hours a week of GEO cannot help me improve my English skill. However, my steady efforts and persistence did not betray me. I became interested in GEO thanks to my friends who made it fun and the Global Lounge which allowed me to practice.
There are a couple of things to be thankful for.
First, HYEON JEE, MIN SOO and most of my 1-2 class friends were very nice. Whenever I talk with them, they never fail to make the workload lighter and fun. I found them to be the life and spice of my GEO class and for that I am thankful.
Second, my Global Lounge visits and the lounge itself made me feel comfortable with English. Though I am not always in the Global Lounge, when I talk with OBF masters and FTAs, I felt I can speak English without worries. Now, as I finish the Fall GEO program, whenever I go to a place unfamiliar, I in speak English. With this newly found confidence, I'm proud of myself. Thanks to GEO.
by SHIN JI HYE, GEO Class 1-2, Professor Jerry Tumlinson's class