Pop Quiz Master Dee with her random questions
Today is Pop Quiz Day. There were surprise class visits from TA Dee. She gave random True or False questions and the students had to choose between the two. Those who answered accurately were able to continue to the next round. Winners get a bonus of 5 points for getting the correct answer.
Questions range from a variety of topics including the year when CUK was founded, which was 1855. The number of times Brazil hosted the FIFA World Cup, among others. The answer for this question by the way is once only, in 1950. The next one would be in 2014.
Students were all enthusiastic in participating in the game. All of them were keen on getting bonus points to add these bonus points to their team scores.

The students listening attentively to the questions

The winners of the True or False game get 5 points as bonus points. Those who were able to answer the trivia questions correctly were also able to get bonus points.

Students were so happy receiving their bonus points... :D

Incomprehensible joy felt by the winners of the pop quiz

Let's show them what we've got. Students showing their bonus points

Student overwhelmed by his prized possession, the Pop Quiz bonus point
by: GEO Admin