Friday, July 20, 2012

Trivia filled night at GEO 18's Game Show

The GEO 18 Summer Camp held its Game Show event, yesterday, 18 July 2012, at the CUK Gym.  The teams were divided into two leagues – Z and X Leagues.  For the Z League, India finished first, followed by Ghana and then Barbados.  For the X League, New Zealand got first place, Scotland got second place and South Africa got third place. 

The game show questions ranged from trivia to common facts.  The event became a source of fun moments as it involved a little bit of a race between the students.  Said event aimed to foster teamwork and fast thinking among the students.  Overall, the event proved to be a fun and learning activity for the GEO 18 Summer Camp participants.  

TAs posing before the start of the Game Show

Before the start of the Game show...
TA Collin poses with students from Team South Africa
Students from Team Barbados smiles widely...
EXCITED for the Game show to begin

We can win this... Lets go team!!!


MECHANICS: Teams has to guess the number that answers the questions raised by the Game show host.
Teammates discussing their answer

Here's our team's answer ^^

We made it... Hooray for our team...
 High Five ^^

                                                      GAME 2: SPEED ROUND
MECHANICS: Teams have to write down the answers to the multiple choice question and give the answer to their runner. The one that rings the bell first and shouts his team name (of course, with the correct answer) scores.

What do you think is the answer to this question?  ^^

Team Barbados listens carefully to the question...

Runners for SPEED ROUND.
Are you ready to RUN?

Run fast, run quick
Team representatives races to tap the bell first during SPEED ROUND

MECHANICS: Questions were raised and the team will answer the questions individually. Those who wrote the wrong answers will be eliminated, the team with the "last man standing' wins...

Let GAME 3 begin...

Diligently writing down the answers....

Students raises their answers

Team cheers as their representatives made the correct answer. Yey ^^

Our Game Show host Peter interviews one of the remaining contestants during the final round 

Wow!!! "Uncle" wrote the correct spelling
paving Team New Zealand to win the GOLDEN BELL  game

And the results are...

Our videographer for the night, TA Ga-eun

X League TA's and TA on duty smile for the camera
by Abigail Quistadio & Abigail Go, GEO SNS & Blog Editor