Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Welcome to GEO 6!

June 28, 2010

GEO 6 Orientation & Opening Ceremony

Welcome and welcome again to all Global Citizens from all over the nations!
From now on you guys are the representatives of your countries.

At the Orientation that we have had during the morning time, students were supposed to search for their own team through the lists of their names on the wall. After that, they could come up to their team table and go through the immigration process with their ambassadors (TAs and Professors ^_^).

Now, let me introduce each team and the ambassadors from five different countries.

Team Australia with TA Angelo & Prof. Tom

Team New Zealand with TA Jinju & Prof. Jerry

Team U.S.A. with TA Sharon & Prof. David

Team Canada with TA Glenn & Prof. Alice

Team Ireland with TA Januel & Prof. Irving

Plus, there’s one more country - Switzerland, which belongs to the United Nations (UN) with the most powerful and influential representatives; Nico le Roux (GEO Director) and Corien le Roux (GEO 6 manager and GEO coordinator).

The ever smiling Nico and Corien (the lovely woman at the back)

The Global Lounge seemed quite busy with the immigration process.
Let us take a look at the scene of actions... ;D

The immigrants make a line to enter the embassy
while the ambassadors get ready for welcoming them.

U.S. immigrants being taken care of by their ambassador, Sharon

Ambassadors Jinju and Jerry handing out the Immigrant's Guide Book

Ambassador Angelo helping an Australian immigrant through the process

It's getting busy inside the Immigration Center!
Nico seems rather happy about it :)

Ambassador Glenn explaining the rules and regulations of being a Canadian immigrant

Two Irish immigrants making Ambassador Januel so busy :D

GEO 6 Immigration Center on peak hours!

The Opening Ceremony was held inside the Global Lounge on the same day at 6pm.

Corien le Roux (GEO 6 Manager and GEO Coordinator) gives a speech welcoming the students.

Byoungsoo (TA Captain) explains about overall schedules.

The O.B.F. Café Master explains about the ‘O.B.F. Visit’ system for GEO Students.
(Students can make a 1 hour reservation per week from 12:15 to 1:45pm during week days)

GEO Director, Nico le Roux, addresses the students

Everyone listening intently...

Prof. Alice emphasizes about the EOP (English Only Policy) to make sure
the students understand about the warning card system

Whenever a student is caught by a TA or a Professor speaking in Korean, he/she should memorize one paragraph within 24 hours and unfortunately get minus points for his/her individual and team scores at the same time.


The start of vacation in CUK marks the beginning of a new voyage

Let’s shout everybody,

“Way to go!!”

Written by:
Dawn Yun

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