The cheese and wine party held last November16 was the first time. Subsequent Cheese & Wine Party are to held November 26 and December 3. It was a social gathering aimed for GEO Fall 2010 students to get to know each other better and mingle with new friends .
I had never been to that kind of party before. The party was held in the Global Lounge.
When I arrived I was a little nervous. When my friends and I entered the Global Lounge, the first thing we had to do was to finish the mission that was given to us.
The mission was to find someone dressed in a white shirt and high heels.
I also had to take a picture with a Teaching Assistant (TA). I had a little difficulty finding someone wearing a white shirt and high heels. When I finished the mission I realized two things.
1) I had been using English to accomplish the mission and 2) I made a couple of new friends.
All in all, I enjoyed the cheese and wine party and I’m look forward to the next one.
Cheese and wine party experience will remain as a memorable thing in my life.
Some snapshots of the Cheese & Wine Party:

Cheese & Wine plus some fruits, tacos and chips... Yummy ^^
Students registering for the Cheese & Wine Party

Taking turns trying the cheese, drinking wine and mingling with friends and acquaintances

Canapé served during the party
Professor Tom with students and TA Al Ann

Students posing for a picture with Art Club TA Cynthia
Filipino TAs posing for picture during the party From left to right: Radio Research Club TA Raquel, English Clinic TA Carl,
Blog Editor Abby, English Clinic TA Tin and Morris
GEO students - smiling in one of the famous Korean pose
TV Club TA Van and GEO students
GEO students striking a pose
GEO students in ROTC uniforms chatting and smiling during the Cheese & Wine Party

English Clinic TA Carl mingling with GEO students
Professors and students alike turned to the center stage as Belly Dancing TA Gracey
announced the start of the performance for the night
Students excitedly waiting for the Belly Dancing Dance Performance

First performance by the Belly Dancing students
Performance by Belly Dancing Club President in CUK

Watch out for the Grand Performance of Belly Dancing TA Gracey
GEO student poses with the Belly Dancing Masters
by Jeon Eun Su, Class 1-1, Professor Jerry Tumlinson's class
Photos courtesy of GEO Admin.