Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Our new CGSS Friends Exposed – Part 7

Brooke and her new Korean friend

We asked our CUK Global Summer School friend, Brooke, a couple of questions to get to know her better.

Here are the questions
1. Personal details
2. What are your likes and dislikes?
3. What keeps you busy during your spare time?
4. What is your impression about Korea? What do you like most about Korea?
5. What is your impression of CUK and its Vision of becoming and International Hub?
6. Expectations from GEO, GEO students
7. Things you want to impart to readers
8. Message to GEO 18 students

 (Check out her answers below… Enjoy reading ^^)

Hi Everyone!

After their meal together - Brooke and her GEO 18 students

My name is Brooke Kruse. My friends call me b-krusey and I am from Sibley, Iowa. I go to Briar Cliff University in Sioux City, where I study nursing with a minor in psychology.

Want to get to know me a little better? 

Well I will tell you a little about myself. I am very tall, athletic and outgoing. During my free time, I like to play basketball, or pretty much any sport. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and watching movies. My favorite movie would have to be Step Up. I love dancing and I wish I could only be that talented, so to compensate I just watch instead! ^_~ Since I am outgoing I love to talk with people so if you want to know more about me, all you have to do is ask! I am not shy! I have never been outside of the United States before so this is a first for me - coming to Korea. 

I am here for one month and the time is flying by. I want to see all that I can while I am here, which I have been, so I have been a little on the tired side. I start my days early and they end really late because I pack my days full with activities and I love it. I am also exhausted at the end of the day because here we walk everywhere, whereas in America we drive everywhere. We are lazy!

I am really enjoying Korea though because Korea is so culturally based. In America I feel as though we don’t really have a culture. Everyone just kind of does their own things. So I like to see that even after all these years Korea was able to keep their culture intact. It is an amazing thing to see!

Beside from all the fun, I am taking classes while I am here. In the morning I take Korean language class and in the afternoon I take a class about Korea (culture, politics, history, families) basically I just learn the Korean lifestyle. I enjoy my classes and I really enjoy the Korean language class.

When I first came to Korea I thought it would be impossible for me to learn the language, but it turns out it is not as hard as I thought! I just have not figured out why Koreans have two sets of numbers. That would be the most difficult part. LOL. Aside from class I am also a “Buddy From Abroad” in the GEO program. It is very time consuming and I am doing my best to make the schedules fit, but I am loving it. My class is SO much fun. I enjoy meeting with the students and getting to know them better. They teach me so much aside from all my classes and then I can teach them in return! I love that. They are so kind and outgoing as well so I enjoy spending my free time with them!