Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Different Afternoon: GEO 18's Skating Field Trip

Last Friday, 13 July, two GEO classes headed out to Incheon for an afternoon of skating!
Before heading out for the subway station, the students and class TAs of Professors Tom C. (2-1) and Stephen (3-1) posed outside the CUK IH building.

Some of Prof. Tom C.’s students with TA Peter at Yeokgok Station. 
3-1 with Prof. Stephen and TA Mario at Bupyeong Station.
TA Jeanne with some the 2-1 students at Dongchun Station.
Here is Chiquititata.
Prof. Tom C. pausing for a photo with his students.
Prof. Stephen teaching and guiding his student on the ice. 

Resting and waiting for the zamboni to smooth the ice. 

The students’ task for this trip was simply to take photos at every station they go to and create an album which they will later discuss in class.

For lunch, Prof. Tom C. led the group over to a café called “Chiquititata.” It was a small adventure of sorts as the students had to hike a hill before reaching the venue for lunch. It was certainly good exercise!

Along the way, the group encountered a small park and fountain and decided to pose for the camera before moving forward.


The lunch menu consisted of pizza and juice.



The group posing outside the café.

After the lunch, the group continued to walk on towards the trip’s main destination, the Munhak Sports Complex. All the students geared up and enjoyed their moment on the ice!



 Students line dancing on the ice!

 At the locker rooms fixing up and getting ready to go home. 

What a great afternoon! #Happiness ❁◕‿◕❁

by: Lia Albano, BFA Coordinator