Thursday, July 12, 2012

The battle is on... the GEO 18 Sports Night begins...

X League and Z League team competition continues

The battle is on... the GEO 18 Sports Night begins...

Let's see who won the Sports night team competition 。◕ ‿ ◕。

Energetic Emcee for the night, Lia, with other GEO TAs

Foreign TA Coordinator plays the role of videographer for the night.
Students smile for the video ^_~

Team Barbados smiling for the camera

Team New Zealand in high spirit!!!
Ready for the game ^^

Let the games B-E-G-I-N

First Game - Hula Hoop Pass

See if you can fit one person inside the hula hoop

Or two maybe
The more number of passes, the higher the score...

Lets do it quick teammates!
We have to score the highest

Next game: Three Legged Race

Reliable Peter helps students tie the knot

Tag Team
Run Karl Run Jinu Run

We can do this Team India.

Ready for the Third Game?
Presenting Snack Relay

First, using chopsticks, pass the onion ring to your teammates

Pass the Ring
Pass the Ring...

Then after passing it to the last person in the team
Tap the other teammate
He/she will have to look for the candy inside the plate of flour

Afterwhich, she will tap another person who taps the bell
The first team to tap the bell wins!!! Yey

Final Round
Survivor Island
Jump to the island (the box represents the island) like this

Student getting ready to jump 1-2-3
With only one leg on the floor, they have to squeeze as many students as possible inside the island

I bet the students were thinking
"Let's squeeze in as many people as possible
We have to win"

But wait, there's a tie between 

Team South Africa


Team Scotland
The whole team cheers for their teammate

The shootout breaks the tie for Team Scotland and Team South Africa

Congratulations to the winners

Congratulations to our GEO 18 Sports Night Winners: 
Z League
X League
IndiaSouth Africa
BarbadosNew Zealand

Congratulations to our  teams!!!
Exemplary effort. Great job \(~o~)/ \(^o^)/ \(-o-)/ ヽ(^。^)ノ ヽ(^o^)丿

by: Abigail Go, SNS & Blog Editor