Catholic University of Korea (CUK) Office of International Affairs in cooperation with International Office of Bucheon City organized a field trip for CUK international students. The group visited various places including Korea Animation Museum, Bucheon City Hall & City Council, Bucheon Waste Disposal Facility, Bucheon Samulnori club, Yeokgok traditional market, to name a few. International students from China, Columbia, Iraq, Japan, Mexico and the Philippines joined the said activity. There were a total of thirty five international students who joined the activity which was held during the school foundation day (holiday), May 25.

International students posing with one of the animation character statue found in the Korea Animation Museum
Art exhibit in the Korea Animation Museum depicting the conspicuous consumption of some Korean females. Ladies deliberately standing up in subways to show off their luxurious timepieces.
Session going on - a glimpse of how Bucheon city government operates

International students enjoying photo moments before devouring our Bibimbap lunch meals.

The author with Backkom, the souvenir stuff toy, given by the benevolent Bucheon city government

Filipino students (Karl, Angeline, Abby, Januel & Van) posing with Dooly, the little green dinosaur

Trivia: Do you know that Bucheon (South Korea) and Valenzuela (Philippines) are sister cities

CUK International students with Bucheon city government officials during their courtesy call at the city hall

International students enjoy learning janggu (an hourglass-shaped drum) at the Bucheon Samulnori club office

Posing with Sonsaengnim (teacher) after learning how to play the Buk (a barrel drum similar to the bass drum)

The cute stuff toy Backkom, with the frame from Bucheon Waste Disposal Facility
and other items participants received from the organizers of the trip.
Again, thank you to CUK Office of International Affairs and International Office of Bucheon City for making this trip possible. ^_^
Special thanks to Keith Capoy, Mark James Evangelista for some of the photos posted herein ^_^
By: Abigail Go, GEO Blog Editor