Friday, February 17, 2012

Sing and dance along the teams as they present their culture during the GEO 16 Valentines Party

It has been a tradition in GEO camps to have a Team Country Presentation. This time around the presentation was done during the Valentines Party event. Teams presented a song and dance number to best represent their respective countries.

Hosts Hani and Keith announcing the flow of the event

Everyone, including Judges Korean Team Captain, Ezzy and Filipino Team Captain Jonathan
joins the crowd in cheering the performers...

First team performer - Team Singapore, dancing to the groove of Singapore pop music

Stand up and dance along with Team Guyana

Synchronized and well prepared,
Team India presents a mix of Indian dance music and Korean dance moves

Team Puerto Rico prepared a beauty pageant to showcase their students talents

Team Seychelles grooving and dancing with their partners

Team Panama circling around each other

Team New Zealand's Hooka Haka dance encourages team spirit and team unity

Excited and happy as they witness a wonderful presentation

Korean Team Captain Ezzy gives out reminders during the closing of the event

by Abigail Go, GEO Blog Editor