Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Students' Blog: Role Models

Two of the students of Prof. Roger (Class 4-1) share with us who their role models are.

Student's Entry #1 

The role model in my life is Steve Jobs. Even though he passed away a few years ago, he is still alive in the mind of people. When people ask me “who is your role model?” lots of people choose Steve Jobs as their role model. I think this is because he had no fear and did what he wanted to do. 

In his life time he was faced with many adversities. He grew up in foster care, and he voluntary withdrew from university, he was even kicked out of his own company. He also fought a hard battle with pancreatic cancer. However, he never gave up and stayed hungry for success. He tried everything to make his ideas become a reality. I think that his genius ideas came from his experiences. He didn't follow anyone’s route, and forged a path of his own. He kept thinking of new and innovated ways to be successful in the smart phone market. Also He is among the five best presenters in the world. He did his best to reform his company Apple. These factors made me choose Steve jobs as my role model! I still remember what he told to students at Stanford University: "Stay hungry, Stay foolish."

by Seok Jin Wook

Student's Entry #2

Do you have a role model? I do, my friend is my role model. I look to my friend for my guidance. I met my friend at club. Our club is called 'Mountain' club. She was the leader of the club, and she always leads the way when we climb the mountain. Last semester our club went to Mt.Jiri. There were about 20 students. The plan was that we would hike along the ridges of Mt.Jiri for three days. It was a long and dangerous hiking. So, the leader, my friend, had to take care of all of our club members. Even though she had a stomachache, she tried to lead everyone with a smile. That made me really appreciate her for doing her best to keep us motivated. Even though the hiking was really hard and tough, she tried to make us happy while climbing. That's because we can finish the hiking more easily when we laugh. From that time, I thought that I wish I could live my life like my friend. She not only led our direction at the mountain, but also my life direction to live with smile.

by Park Eun Se

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