GEO M-Nursing 2
Scavenger Hunt
Hello. My name is IM DA HYEON.
I will talk about the Scavenger Hunt. As a conclusion, it was really fun.
Scavenger Hunt is a game in which players are required to collect an assortment
of miscellaneous items. And it is usually played outdoors.
There are 10 games in our Scavenger Hunt. The first game we did is Paper Tennis. It
is a tennis game that uses tissue. All we have to do is blow the tissue to the
other team. Of course it is not allowed to use our hands. Unfortunately we lost,
so we started the hunt 3 minutes later than the other team.
The next
game is Crossword. It was a little bit difficult. The crossword is made up of
the expressions that we learned in our classes. It is very hard to recall the
class but finally, we did it! And also, I have correctly answered the words ‘bug’
and ‘coagulation’. I was so happy when I got them.
there were other fun games. For example, there were K-POP Star, Ping Pong
Master, Elephant Bowling, etc. All of them were so exciting. It was a great
pleasure that I can participate in GEO.
By - Da-hyeon Im