GEO Book Club reads and discusses a preferred literature. At present, students were tasked to read ‘Animal Farm’ and discussions were made during club sessions. Short activities were also done to increase interaction amongst club members.
The Radio Program Research Club does research for programs presented on our very own GEO Radio. Research include interests, comments and feedback of the GEO students/ listeners, among others. Radio research club also explores any creative ideas, anything under the sun. Be it movies, travel, food, fashion, or even love stories that can be shared in the GEO Radio airing in the Global Lounge.
GEO Art club’s objective is to stimulate students’ ability in communicating their thoughts through the use of two media: English and Art; to promote the use of the English language through interactive programs inside and outside the classroom setting; and to provide an avenue where students can develop a sense of individuality and creativity, while enjoying the use of the English Language. Art club members do some art work including drawing, photography, poem interpretation, painting, etc. These artworks will be exhibited during the culminating activity at the end of the semester
GEO TV Sitcom/Movie club members watches TV series or movie, and discusses the specific film/s. The TV series that will be covered during the semester include Gossip Girl, White Collar, Boston Legal, The Good Wife, The Ghost Whisperer, How I Met Your Mother and Glee. Role playing activity is done every meeting to apply lessons and themes learned during the session.
Filipino Teaching Assistant in the GEO Internet club helps students with their difficulties or concerns in browsing English websites. Students can create accounts in networking websites. Useful websites are recommended to aid club member’s learning experience.
The purpose of GEO Toastmaster’s club is to enhance the presentation and confidence skills of the GEO students. GEO Toastmaster’s club TAs aims to help members learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking effectively through the series of speeches that club members have to deliver during their sessions. Evaluation of the speaker is done every meeting to address points of improvement of the speaker.
GEO English Pop Song Club is an exciting way for GEO students to practice what students learned in the GEO class through singing English songs. In this club, they not only sing but learn the meaning of words and expressions used in modern songs, learn how to pronounce correctly some English words, and lastly enjoy learning through singing as students feel that they are just like in a "Korean Singing Room".
Again, We welcome YOU aboard the All New GEO 8 Student Clubs!!! We hope that you'll all have a fruitful and fun filled experience in your club memberships. ^_^