With GEO 9 coming to a close, several students had mixed feelings on the subject. Several students say that they are excited about the last day of classes. For a number of students, it is quite bittersweet. It provides them a sense of accomplishment, but ultimately it makes them realize just how much they will be leaving behind.
The students are all excited to go back to their lives, but at the same time they are happy of the memories that they will forever cherish. Their GEO 9 experience is truly remarkable. The newfound friends, outstanding professors, accommodating teaching assistants, academic classes, interesting club activities, exciting team competitions will be a memory that they will forever remember. Ultimately, they will forever remember and put in mind the CONFIDENCE (IN SPEAKING ENGLISH) that they rediscovered during this winter camp. Their "graduation" from GEO 9 is a start of new challenges that lies ahead for them - the challenge to continue to use English in and outside of their community, the challenge to communicate with others with confidence, the challenge to continuously believe in themselves and the power they have to make a difference in the lives of others.
As Professor Corien puts it, "Use it, or loose it". Continuing to use the English language after the program will be of help to them. (For one, they can talk amongst themselves using English, listen to English music, watch English shows, among others.)
Finally, quoting Professor Roger, Believe in yourself, you have to power to be good English speakers.
Sharing with you some photos from the Closing Ceremony (January 28, 2011)
Teams competing for the GEO Cup
Everyone praised our GEO 9's very talented violinist
Magnificent Ge-u band performs lives in GEO 9 Closing Ceremony
Team leaders share their wonderful experiences with other GEO students
X League's team drama winner - New Zealand
We got the POWER!!!
Winning the GEO Cup - X League's Jamaica
Heaven's blessings (from Jesus) showered upon Team Botswana
Botswana bags the Z League's Team Drama Award & the much coveted GEO Cup.
Professor Richard & TA Heejong will forever be remembered by their students
Some people behind GEO 9
TA Maricris, TA Kat, TA Glenn, Office manager Carol,
Blog editor and TA Abby, TA Van
by: Admin