Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter, a mixture of redemption, triumph and celebration

For some, Easter is about brightly colored eggs, wearing pastels, or enjoying a big meal, going Easter egg hunting with friends. For others, Easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter is a Christian holiday when we celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead - Jesus’ resurrection on the third day after his crucifixion. For Christians it is a great reminder of God’s love. More so, it brings hope to a person - faith and hope of every Christian in the Good News of God's profound love of mankind, a love that conquers death.

As for me, Easter is a great reminder about a lot of things.

One, that God sent His son to die for us - John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. It reminds me of His sacrifice for me. It is a time to remember the Messiah, sent by God to provide the means for our Salvation - a joyous affirmation of our redemption through the love of Christ, our hope of salvation, and our faith in the resurrection from the dead and the life of the world to come...

Two, it reminds me of hope. Once in a while, in our lives there are certain circumstances that happen to us – good things and not so good things. We or our loved ones may suffer failure, loss, rejection, inadequacy, inability, to name a few. We may lose a job, a whole career, a loved one, a position, prestige, money, etc. Or we may fail at tasks that matter, or even at our life’s mission. These experiences cuts deep and can be so demoralizing that we could remain stuck and unable to recover our bearing or zest to move on. Nevertheless, times like Easter reminds us that there is more to life (than focusing or worrying about these things). “That’s life.” Life can be sometimes unpredictable and oftentimes ironic with its joys and sadness, the triumphs and tribulations we are bound to encounter, but then how can we realize the greener pasture if we haven’t experienced the dry land? It is indeed a rollercoaster adventure that we should learn to embrace. There are peaks and troughs but we should learn to cope up with this – to be resurrected and emerge and continue to live and fight and hope that something better will happen. This is indeed a great Easter reminder.

Three, as a holiday spent with family. Easter is part of the holy week celebration in the Philippines. Easter is preceded by Lent, a forty day period of fasting, prayer and penance for Catholics and Christians. The last week of Lent is the holy week, includes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Easter Sunday. In the Philippines, holiday starts on Maundy Thursday. People don’t have to go to school or offices during this time. For most individuals, it is a time to rest and/or spend time with their loved ones. Most people go to their hometowns and enjoy time together with family and friends. I remember times in the past when our family hangs around at home enjoying family bonding moments together. These moments with treasured people are indeed priceless.

Easter is a mixture of redemption, triumph and celebration. Easter may mean a different thing for you, different from my point of view. But Easter was only possible because there was suffering and death and resurrection that went with it. May we remember this sacrifice and try to live with meaning and to start over no matter what circumstances we are in.

To all our readers, The GEO family hopes you had a very happy and joyful Easter Sunday.

Let this joy of Easter fill up our hearts,
Today and the whole year ahead.
May we live a joyful and love filled life
Happy Easter! ♥♥♥

by Abigail Go, GEO Blog Editor

Photos courtesy of google images ^^