These days, Korean program named ‘Nonsummit’ is very popular. There are 12 men from different countries. And they debate with one subject based on their country’s culture. It’s really interesting to see how different opinion they have because of the cultural background. I chose three countries based on culture that I'm interested in.
First is Turkey. In 'Nonsummit’, there is a man from Turkey. Because most of the entertainers are from western countries, sometime he has different opinion from all the others. But he is adamant of his opinion. He says about his culture’s benefits with different perspective from western’s. I think we have to think deeply about his pride of his culture. We used to follow the western culture instead of ours. I want to go to Turkey and learn how to be proud of my own culture.
Second is Germany. I really like German novel ‘Demian’. The main character was very impressive. He is very calm and has a lot of knowledge about the world. And he doesn’t hesitate to show his opinion to people. It’s really different from Korea. Most of the people hide their opinion because they don’t want to be different from others. I want to go to Germany and talk to many people who have clear values in life.
Third is The United Kingdom. When I was in high school, I read ‘Angela’s ashes’ which is Irish novel. I like the whole novel but I was little confused. I thought Ireland and England are the same country, but book kept on discriminating the two. Now I know that The United Kingdom includes England and Ireland and they have different culture from each. I want to go to the United Kingdom and know about the difference of each island. Because I want to fully understand the book.
Every country has its own culture that has an appeal, Do you have any interest in other cultures?