* GEO program is useful. I can make many friends during this program. Morning Class is very fun and passionate. David and Angelo are humorous and kind.
* GEO class is so interesting but very tiresome because we study 9 hours a day. Morning Class is so fun. David speaks easy so I can easily understand.
* We can experience lots of work and that’s fun but I am a little tired. Prof. David is very humorous and I love the way he expresses himself. He tries to explain everything so that it would be easy to understand. I can improve my English skills but I also feel it’s difficult sometimes. I don’t know how I can express myself. We have to speak in English only so I need some places where we can speak Korean.
* I am satisfied with this program. First, David’s class is very active and sporty. So this class is my favorite and I can understand well what he says. Second, Stephen’s class is very good too, and I like his topics for class. Finally, my team time is very fun. I actually like everything. It is so good and proper.
* Classes are fun and easy to follow. Teacher prepares lots of things like videos and handouts so that I can learn English easily and efficiently.
* Professor David is so kind and so cute. So I am happy when I am in this class learning English.
* Now, this is my favorite time morning class!! Our Professor is really good and our TA is awesome. I am happy with this program but I need a little more free time at night.
* I like David. He is very kind and always talks easily so we can understand the conversation and lecture. GEO is a very good opportunity to make friends from different majors. However, I am a little tired about waking up at 9AM and Michelle Food does not make me full. I enjoy talking with friends, TAs, and teachers in English. It’s amazing!!!
* David is very kind and some professors are cute. GEO is very fun and exciting. I can make many good friends. GEO program provides a good chance to speak English. Both of morning and afternoon classes are full of good things to learn English such as situation play, conversation and discussion. I also like OBF time. Global lounge is a good and peaceful place. I like the mood there. Playing board games and having a cup of coffee while talking in English is great!
* GEO is pretty good because it is fun and useful. Professor David C. is very good. I like him. He is fun and his teaching is very interesting. He is a very nice professor for me.
* You might think it is so boring or too hard to comprehend the lectures at GEO. I thought the same way before, but actually it is not too troublesome or difficult. It’s like a game. So all you need is to give it a try and enjoy it.
By: Class 2-3 (Prof. David C. and TA Angelo)
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