Thursday, February 10, 2011

Z League's Speed Quiz: A fun and active game!

The Speed Quiz was very interesting. In the game, the teams need to figure out a lot of words in a short time. The team that was able to guess the most words wins the competition. All the teams were really good. In the Z league, team Ireland, Samoa, Philippines, and Botswana played against each other.

Every student had a chance to describe the word for their team mates through acting or speaking. I was very thrilled when it was already my turn. I chose to do body language. We all described a lot of words, but “candy” was one of the most impressive words I described.

Hwan Young's turn to describe the word ^_^

When the word “candy” was shown, I sang “My Ear's Candy” by Taecyeon, who is a member of 2PM. Because of this, we were able to get a point for the word “candy.”

In the end, Team Ireland won the competition. I think the Speed Quiz was very fun.

Professor Irving, TAs Carol, Angelo, and Jam demonstrates how the game is done!

Are they fighting?
On the contrary, she's trying to guess the word with her teammate's actions ^^

In 4th place, Team Philippines!

Third, Team Samoa

Team Botswana comes second

Team Ireland, the champion for the Speed Quiz (Z League)!!!

By: Kim Hwan Young from Class 3-1 (Prof. Roger and TA Regina)