Two of our GEO Class 3-2 students grabbed the chance to interview Korean Class TAs (Teaching Assistant).
Continue reading to know what transpired during their interview.
Hello! My name is Kim YeongJi and I’m a student of Roger’s class 3-2. I would like to introduce a Korean TA whose name is Kang Bo Ram. She is a cool GEO TA, and she also happens to be a good friend of mine.
Q1. Would you please introduce yourself?
Hello. My name is Kang Bo Ram, a Korean TA in GEO 17. I am in my senior year now and my Major is Religious studies. I also have English literature as my second major. I joined the GEO program for four times already and I became a TA from the last winter camp which is GEO 15. While I was in the program, I got acquainted with lots of great, warm, and smart people in many English activities. Even though sometimes I’m already tired because of homework and exams, GEO had been my motivation to keep learning English. It had been my inspiration. I learn a lot from GEO.
Q2. How about your life as a GEO TA?
Q3. Do you have some messages for GEO students?
I believe the GEO program will be a great key for you to open the door to globalization. Professors and TAs are here to help and guide you. Don’t hesitate to approach them and if there is anything that you want to suggest, change, or improve, please talk to us right away. Also, by meeting new friends and being together with other people, you will enjoy the program even more. “Be active and positive! It will change your life.” Thank you.
I really appreciate Bo Ram for answering my questions during the interview. Thank you!
Jeong-min seo shares "The Korean T.A. that I interviewed was Ji-yeun. When I entered the GEO office, she looks very busy. I asked her if I can interview her and without hesitation, she accepted my request and answered all of my questions.
by Kim YeongJi and Jeong-min seo, GEO Class 3-2 (Professor Roger Foard and TA Carlo Clarin's class)