Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The GEO 21 Winter Camp Team Competitions

Class 3-1
Kang Ji Soo

Speed Quiz
Speed Quiz was the first team competition of GEO 21. It was a good chance to become familiar with our team members. Shouting our respective team chants heated up the atmosphere. Tanzania’s chant was the most impressive because of their captain’s creative idea.
During the games, the trickiest thing was that we had to describe the words which we know without using gestures. So, we had to make use of our creativity and imagination. For example, some persons cleared the round by using their wits such as in the phrase “I believe I can…” to get the answer “fry” instead of “fly”. We were very surprised to see their determination in winning the competition.
I think that the Speed Quiz can relieve the fear of students who are poor in speaking English. The most pleasant thing was that my team South Africa got the first prize in this competition. After the event has finished, our team members already got along with each other. I think this situation was the same with the other teams. From that time on, we always looked forward to participate in the other team competitions of GEO 21.  

Game Show

DY, who is a muscle guy in GEO, wanted to show his muscles that day. So he wore a tight, short shirt and took off his jacket. He showed his terrible muscles and he looked very proud of them. We remembered Father JYJ's advice to DY, “You should not wear short shirts even in the summer season. If you wore that kind of shirt, I will give you an F".
Bon Suk played Running Man with DY. Bon Suk has wonderful muscles in his arms. So, many girls looked at Bon Suk in amazement. DY had so much sweat. But anyway, we loved DY because he is our brother and his muscles are the pride of the seminarians. 

Sports Night

We did 3 games during the Sports Night. First, we played Flip-Flop. Jung Sup got angry because the other team kicked the cards and threw them out. Also, he wanted to lose because the game was tiring, but still his team won in every round. So, he had the desire to win and played hard. And in the final round, his team won the game.
The second game was Hoola Hoop. Jung Hwa's team was Scotland and they never won a single game yet. But in this game, her team was the winner so she was really happy. Her team members were all excited too. But this game was their first and only win of the night.
The third game was Relay Race. Ha Eun was excited to play this game because the professors are joining. They drunk strange water and they played basketball game with students. Ha Eun believed that the Cushion Sitting Game was the best in the relay race because the players looked silly while they were having fun. Many junior and senior seminarians also joined this game. They played their best. Many students stood up and watched this game. Every student and professor joined the games and they really had fun.
The TAs had a hard time preparing this team competition but still they did a good job. Thanks to the TAs!!!